It's almost been a year since I got married and, even worse than at times neglecting my "wifely duties," I have been severely lacking in the blog-posting department. I know you have been sitting on the edge of your seat, waiting ever-so patiently waiting to learn how my life has been transformed since I drank my last bottle of two-buck-chuck and severed my ties with the Trader Joe's wine department. Though it was tough, I'm pleased to report that I've discovered an even better, inexpensive substitute that beats the pants of Fred Franzia. And it's name is, Cru.
Cru is this fabulous invention that wineries developed for when, at the end of their blending process, they are left with extra wine and feel somewhat uninclined to send $100s of premier fruit down the drain. So, instead, all the left over red wine is blended together, same for the whites, resulting in two hodgepodge but still quite impressive blends that are then sold to winery staff (my apologies to the masses) at a cost of about $4-5 a bottle. As a result, I have become quite accustomed to enjoying wine that would otherwise probably net somewhere around $50+ in a typical market. While these wines do not have the masterful touch of the winemaking staff, it is certainly safe to say that they are not damn bad.
I know, woe is me, right? Ya - I must admit I'm not complaining. To make you hate me even more, I am frequently treated to some great bottles of reserve wine that are brought home at the end of my husband's long day at work. And with other friends in the industry, some amazing bottles of wine find their way into our home. Like the other night, when a friend gave us a 3 liter bottle of stags leap cabernet, simply because his winery had produced too many. Hello. Um, thank you? And we must now give you our first born, yes?
But alas, this all does come with a price. And that price is that I still feel completely in the dark when my husband has his friends over and they start "geeking-out" on wine. While I now have access to some pretty amazing stuff, I don't yet feel that I'm able to appreciate it. At least not in a way that makes me feel any less galled at the thought of purchasing an expensive bottle of wine. You see, all the good stuff we get now is free (the best kind). But ask me to spend $100+ or even $50+ on a bottle, and I would tell you you're crazy. And yet, if that's the case, we live in an area where our very livlihood is dependent upon crazy people. Lots and lots of them.
So, I'm working on trying to better understand this "craziness." And, of course, that necessitates a lot of experimentation on my part. Much wine must be consumed in this endeavor!
Ah yes, as I said, woe is me :-)
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